Choosing the right entity type for your business is one of the most important decisions you have to make in starting up your company.  Unfortunately it is also one of the first you have to make.  Fortunately we can help.  We sit down with clients and assess their tax situation as a whole, both currently and into the future, to determine what we think is the best way for your to move forward.  Whether it is as a sole-proprietor simply using your name or a husband/wife S-Corporation or owning multiple Partnerships for liability purposes we can help you identify the right fit for you and your business(es).

Setting up the business is one of the most common places we see mistakes being made.  We see clients try to get their own EIN and provide the IRS incorrect information (not because they’re stupid, but because they know how to do their business and don’t know how to answer tax questions).  We see people who are advised to be a certain type of entity by their “friend” or neighbor, neither of whom is a tax expert.  That friend also doesn’t know why they should choose that type of company or how it actually works – the logistics of it.  We have helped a lot of people fix their mistakes and, in some cases, the mistakes of other tax preparers who simply don’t have the knowledge they claim to.

We analyze your potential business income, family situation, other income sources, possible liability (although we are not attorneys and do advise clients to always speak to an attorney in regards to the ins and outs of liability protection), other business ownership interests, and short- and long-term goals to advise you as to what business structure we believe best suits your needs.

We assist in the setting up the following:

C-Corps, S-Corps, LLCs – each of these requires the following to be done (correctly ) …

-Registration with State

-F.E.I.N. (required for corporations and many LLCs) – also known as EIN

-Articles of Incorporation (Organization)

-Tax Treatment Elections

We assist with all of these in out setup process.  The cost for setting up companies starts at $300 and includes the registration fees paid to the State, which we pay on your behalf.

We have local attorneys we can refer you to for legal discussions about liability protection as well as asset protection.